
It’s Nice to See You Here.

I’m a fellow in pediatric nephrology, and I write to process the pain I witness and the unfairness of disease. I hope my reflections provide a mirror for you to ponder your own experiences with the pain, suffering, and healing surrounding health and human illness.

Latest Musings

What Right Do I Have to Be Happy?

A little over a week ago, I went for a walk near sunset with my friend Mohsin, a fellow third-year resident and one of my closest confidantes in the program. We walked around Jamaica Pond, a gorgeous water feature in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood of Boston, reflecting on our time in residency and the seeming…

Treatments Fail Patients, Patients Don’t Fail Treatments

When reviewing the chart for a patient with a complex diagnosis or constellation of diagnoses, it is not uncommon to see, in the section labeled “Past Medical History”, a remark that the patient has “failed” a trial of other interventions. A patient with pain failed a trial of NSAIDs. A patient with Crohn disease failed…

Language Learning and Habit Hobbling

February 14, 2021 Over the past few weeks, as winter drags on and new COVID strains proliferate, I’ve spent more of my free time engaged in language learning, specifically Spanish and French. The former is more of a practicality, considering after years of classes in school and a summer working en un laboratorio de microbiología…

The Garden

February 13, 2021 The following work was drafted as part of a writing retreat with my residency program, and was loosely in response to the following prompts: In the words of Andrew Solomon, “Any serious illness is a medical event, but it is lived in narrative terms.” Write about a physical space in the hospital.…


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